Technology that Reshapes the Recruiting Industry
Technology that Reshapes the Recruiting Industry
November 25, 2020 | Monica Maralit, President - Find HR
Hiring the best talent in one’s industry is the ultimate goal of every recruiter and that makes the recruitment world a very competitive and a challenging one. Today, job seekers face a technologically advanced job market and are presented with various opportunities and experiences. And as these developments continue to take our world by storm, everyone must keep up or we’ll be left behind.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is just one of the technologies dominating many industries today and it has helped transform the recruitment industry. The following are some of the trends that have emerged and have proven to be vital in the recruitment process and experience of potential employees.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
According to a research done by Bersin by Deloitte, 40% of the companies said that they have deployed AI in at least one of their core business processes. With the current technology revolution, it will not be a surprise if this number continues to grow in the coming years. However, we need to acknowledge the fact that AI is not perfect since bots are programmed to function with limitations. And unlike humans, it may fail to understand the meaning or logic behind words as AI relies on programmed interpretations and translations.
This is where Natural Language Processing (NLP) comes into play. NLP is a tech solution that enables AI to not just interpret words but also recognize human emotions.
It works by breaking apart text into separate sentences, split it into words and analyzes punctuations, predicting parts of phrases and looks up references. NLP will be valuable in recruitment processes, as it will equip AI to analyze words from natural language data with high detail and accuracy – rendering the entire hiring process free from human bias. Using NLP on AI makes the hiring process faster and allows recruiters to focus on other key tasks or projects.
Cognitive Automation (CA)
Cognitive Automation (CA) on the other hand is another AI technology that works on the Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Similar to NLP, CA aims to “humanize” robots so that they can understand commands and perform tasks better.
The CA technology solution may help take over administrative tasks. While this technology should not replace people, it should complement human skills, making processes more efficient and faster. It may function as a virtual assistant and handle recruitment processes like inquiries,
position changes, leaves, etc, using a series of programmed commands and responses that deliver results depending on the output required. It may also act as a data scientist and provide statistical data analysis to give insights and help recruiters in making decisions and improvements.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual Reality (VR) is slowly becoming a popular tool for companies. While majority of companies use VR as part of their learning and development programs, VR has also found its way into the recruitment process through a company’s branding, hiring process, and onboarding. Recruiters often do virtual office tours, conduct VR-simulated situations that help recruiters assess applicants real-time, and even do VR interviews. Apart from helping in the recruitment process, it also enhances a company’s image as applicants get to feel what kind of processes and systems the company can offer.
Recruitment Marketing/Inbound Recruitment
Attracting the right candidates to join your company is very similar to selling your brand or product to consumers or clients.
You need to entice them by presenting them with attractive packages, providing personal touches by nurturing your relationships with your market by making sure you are constantly visible and willing to provide timely solutions, presenting your brand to them through your values and corporate branding, and giving them reasons to “buy” or apply with your company. Recruiters need to make applicants see how good it is to work with you and give everyone – even the ones you won’t hire – a good candidate experience from start to finish.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The European Union (EU) implemented a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that unifies data regulations within the EU, giving people control over their personal information. This may affect any business or company who has clients, affiliates and employees in the region. In the Philippines, this is equivalent to our own Republic Act No. 10173 or more popularly known as the Data Privacy Act.
With data privacy becoming a very sensitive and controversial topic nowadays, it is imperative that recruiters be mindful of any data they store. Apart from being compliant, it is more important to see how this impacts recruitment processes. It’s highly recommended that companies create policies around this, including doing a regular data audit to know the kind of details they have, who should have (limited) access to it, and where it should be stored.
Note that it is important that any entity that handles personal information also secure consent from each individual to gather and store private information through documented consent forms, whether physical or virtual, explaining why such information is needed and what it will be used for.
Find HR keeps up!
With all these, it is safe to say that the current recruitment landscape will definitely continue to evolve with technology. Here at Find HR, our smart and agile recruiters partnered with our own technology solutions, are able to anticipate and apply these trends and changes to our processes. We have introduced new technologies and recruiting techniques like deploying bots and implementing AI-backed solutions – making it easier for companies to access the right and best talents domestically and even internationally.
Solutions, such as our proprietary Applicant Tracking System (ATS) called Compass, our Automated Candidate Engagement tool, our bot named Franki, and our dialer for high volume recruiting have greatly helped our recruiters from sourcing and interviewing candidates, down to job offers to candidates. We utilize a commercial tech solution that incorporates a database system and a chat bot and has the ability to interact with candidates and automatically send text messages to candidates. It also has a function where applicants can send recordings as answers for the initial application stage. Our dialer or NGUCC on the other hand minimizes the time spent making cold calls since recruiters are routed leads or candidates who are available for the call.
Positive feedback from our recruiters provide proof of how Find HR’s tools really help them get the job done!
“The bot and dialer are tools I've used since they were introduced in 2017. And through the years, I can say that they have become more efficient and user friendly. What I also like about the dialer system is that it tracks my productivity and gives me an overview on both my progress and areas of improvement.” - Lei Gecha, Recruiter
“Personally, I’ve witnessed the transition from the manual process to the use of advanced recruitment tech tools. At first, it was hard because of the adjustment but when I got used to it, I've seen the good things from it. On a daily basis, I get to connect with more candidates and track them efficiently. These tools have increased my productivity and have saved a lot of time and effort. Having said that, it significantly affects my recruiting efforts by improving the number of my hires on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis,” - Jeremy Joy Ariola, Recruiter since 2019.
These technology solutions and tools are not meant to replace people. Rather, these technology trends are designed to work with humans and make their jobs easier and more efficient. How these tools are to utilize and optimized determine how successful and effective recruiting the best talent becomes. Remember, we all need to keep up with these exciting recruitment trends in order to not be left behind.